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The Different Approaches of an Algorithm in Data Structures and Algorithm


The analysis of an algorithm in Data structures and algorithm is a significant branch of a more extensive computational intricacy theory. It provides theoretical estimates for the resources that are required by any algorithm in order to solve a given computational issue. These computational figures endow with perceptivity into rational directions of search for resourceful algorithms. There are a lot of paradigm approaches to devise an algorithm grounded on different strategies.

The different approaches of an algorithm

The approaches to be applied after taking into consideration both the theoretical as well as the practical significance of planning an algorithm are as follows:

  • Brute force

An algorithm is created using the general logic framework.  It is sometimes referred to as an exhaustive search algorithm because it explores every possibility to find the needed answer. These algorithms in data structures and algorithms are of 2 kinds:

1. Optimization: Identifying all potential solutions to a problem and selecting the best one, or terminating if the value of the best solution is known.

2. Making a sacrifice: This will stop as soon as the top solution is found.

  • Divide and conquer

It is a very specific algorithm implementation. You can create an algorithm using a step-by-step modification thanks to it. It deconstructs the algorithm to approach the problem in many ways. It enables you to break the issue down into many approaches and produces suitable output from suitable input. After that this suitable output is passed on to another function.

  • Greedy

It in fact is the algorithm of the data structures and algorithm paradigm. Hence it makes the best decision possible for every iteration so as to get the perfect solution.  It executes more quickly and is simple to implement. In very few instances, though, does it offer the best solution.

  • Dynamic programming

This approach creates very efficient algorithm by storing the intermediary results. It adopts five varied steps to get to the best result for the problem:

    1. This method is achieved by breaking down the issue into a sub-issue to get the best solution.
    2. Once the problem is broken down, the most optimal solution is reached via these sub problems.
    3. The outcome of the sub problems are stored and are known as memorization.
    4. The result thus obtained is reused so that no re-computation is needed for the same sub problems.
    5. Finally, it calculates the outcome of the complex program.
  • Branch and Bound

Only issues involving integer programming can be solved using the branch and bound approach. This strategy separates all sets of workable solutions into more manageable subsets. The optimum answer is determined by further evaluating these subsets.

  • Randomized

In this technique we have a predefined input and a necessary output, just like in a typical algorithm. Deterministic algorithms are those in the data structures and algorithms category that have a predetermined set of inputs, a predetermined result, and adhere to predefined processes. What happens to the randomised method when the random variable is added? In a randomised algorithm, the algorithm adds a few random bits to the input before producing the result, which is also random in nature. Compared to deterministic algorithms, randomised algorithms are easier and more effective.

  • Backtracking

This algorithmic method helps in solving the problem algorithmically and gets rid of the solution if the constraints of the problem are not satisfactory.


Procedures applied in the designing of different algorithms are actually known as algorithm plan patterns. In fact designing the method of an algorithm has a very crucial role to play in the calculation process since it will decides the working out of time as well as memory in use by the algorithm in Data structures and algorithm.

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